Jack Arcalon

The launch

   "As you have already heard, our universe is a solution to an equation embedded inside other universes and so on.
We can guess many of their mathematical properties. The equation set is abundantly powerful, explaining why we are here. Parallel solution clusters generate similar universe types.
This is where things get interesting:
These equations generate so many new equations that we can't begin to calculate our location in the Omniverse.
It would take a computer bigger than our universe to do so - and by then our universe would have expanded so much we'd need a still bigger computer.
To oversimplify: we can only calculate our most likely past.
The future represents 'impossible knowledge'. We would have to know everything at once.
Reality is an endless trip.
In fact, there are shortcuts to the highest levels.
There's no reason not to use them. We don't even need to build a time machine.
I can force an advanced future mind to build one for us in order to save itself!
Therefore, we have secretly appropriated 49% of our research budget during the past four years to construct a so-called 'Doomsday Device'. This explains our stakes in the Vietnamese heavy water plant and the Congolese molybdenum mine.
All I have to do is throw this switch."
The click was deafening.
A new shape appeared behind the hologram of the speaker, an azure blob with lime-green highlights.
"The CyrPod: Control Your Reality (AT&T, DoCoMO, SatWest)"
"This time Steve Jobs has gone too far," someone said.

The best hard SF novel ever written: Infinite Thunder by Jack Arcalon.
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