Jack Arcalon

In the maze

As mind size increases, mind problems expand exponentially faster.
Newly created superminds become self-centered, preferring not to interact with the outside universe at all.
They may even forget it exists and become insane gods, but I repeat myself.

Strangely, lower minds are more aware of higher minds than vice versa.
Most superminds are made of many lower minds joined together. The Class-IV supermind to which I belong is incomprehensible to any of its members.
I occupy one of the lowest rungs, an atom of consciousness exploited by countless higher levels, each with its own agenda.
Every Reality Collective eventually develops reality cancer. Death and failure inevitably increase with progress.
Most of the supermind's constituent awareness, trillions of sub-minds, must then be ruthlessly purged.
It emerges as a shadow of itself, scarred and battered, but stronger than before.
Auto-evolution means that nothing is ever lost. All meaningful achievements will be recreated eventually.

It has even happened to me.
Only, sometimes it has been an evil version of me who was eradicated. All the old records are sealed.
No matter how long a personality survives, almost all its triumphs and tragedies will turn out to be dead ends.
The awareness of any sufficiently advanced mind becomes an inverted map: instead of useful skills and memories, the past becomes a vast archive of things not to do.
The correct path is an imperceptible thread through an endless maze.

Infinite Thunder by Jack Arcalon.
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11/20/09 - 8/12