After half a century of research, immortality is finally in sight!
Our secret facility, the X$5.8 trillion NeoViie Center on New Pacific Island, has been operational since January 2.
Following surgical extraction, nanomet infusion, and SonicWave freezing, our Mark-2 brain scanner uses destructive electron beams to scan every neuronal connection potential over a period of days, capturing over 98% of memory patterns. The human brain's natural redundancy and our team of reconstructionists will compensate for the rest.
They will also design a suitable virtual body. We now know a large part of the mind is stored outside the brain.
Each client will become a stable AI, guaranteed not to change personality for one thousand years.
You'll need about a year to learn how to operate your improved cyborg body, should you choose to purchase one. Virtual feedback is one terabit per second. We'll get rid of the external wiring.
Alternatively, our new Extaciia Domain will be the most secure section of Net 5.0., with none of the legal and moral restrictions of RealSpace. You can already consume 38 types of food paste. The drugs are guaranteed non-addictive when using our premium reset mode.
The rewards might be infinite!
One way to finance the operation is the Hand Of Destiny Lottery, already legal in 32 countries. It's meant for people who could otherwise never afford the procedure.
They simply go to sleep, and wake up in their immortal form. True, there's a 99% chance they won't wake up, and their assets will be used to finance the operation for the actual winner, but by definition they can't experience that outcome.
The NeoViie Immortality Experience is expected to become extremely popular once the public grasps the implications.
Early signs are unmistakable:
In the past month, almost a quadrillion Debits have been withdrawn from ChekNet, causing a
liquidity crisis. A rogue trader briefly managed to steal 4% of the Chinese economy. Media stars and executives are attempting to monetize their future earnings as simulations.
Immortality changes all the rules, and it vastly raises the stakes.
As Earth's leaders, your jobs have just become a thousand times more vital.
We have a five year head start over the competition. No one else has the know-how to equal our scanning resolution. Our proprietary reconstruction codecs have the highest error correction in
the industry.
We propose to completely reorganize the world economy for the greatest good. From now on, it should exist primarily to facilitate the mass downloading and conversion process on the largest scale. This will require unprecedented global cooperation and control, but now we have the incentives to make it happen.
You could be among the first beneficiaries.
Think of history as a game.
Someone had to win it.
The best hard SF novel ever written: Infinite Thunder by Jack Arcalon.
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